Feria Integral de la Mujer

Diagnosis se presentó en la Feria Integral de la Mujer del 12 al 17 de Mayo, en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Para ello, me pidió que les ayude a decorar su stand. Diseñé 3 banners que cubrían toda la pared. La finalidad de los banners era de demostrar la misión que Diagnosis tiene con sus pacientes que es de forjar una relación que perdure generación tras generación trayendo lo más esencial a su familia que es la salud.

Diagnosis participated of the Integral Women Fairy from May 12th until May 17th, which was held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. I was asked to help them decorate their stand. I designed 3 banners that cover all the wall of the stand. The goal with these banners were to show the mission that Diagnosis has within their patients which is to build a relationship that last generation through generation bringing the most esensial thing to the family which is health.

Este arte de prensa fue hecho para invitar a la gente a visitar la Feria, y tambíen para comunicar la promoción que Diagnosis iba a llevar a cabo durante el tiempo que la Feria dure.

This design was done to invite people to visit the Feiry, and also to communicate the promotion that Diagnosis was going to have during the time the Feiry was open.

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